This last couple of years have been wedding after wedding. This year has been pretty full of weddings. My co-worker got married. Joey's best friend got married. My high school friend Vince got married. One of my best friends is getting married this weekend. And my cousin is getting married in January. As I watch these people go through the preparations for a wedding, from big country club wedding to small backyard wedding, to medium patio weddings, they have all been so stressed out the entire time and say things like; "I cant wait until this is over" "I am never doing this again" or "If I could do it again I would have a small simple wedding". It leaves me torn. Joey and I have been engaged for almost 9 months. We have no date because we cannot agree on what kind of wedding to have. A big country club wedding with all the trimmings is out of the question because we can't justify spending as much as Sophia's first year of college on a wedding. I want something simple but that all our family could be at. He wants Las Vegas drive-thru. We have even tossed around the idea of a destination wedding. Hope we figure out something soon.
all i have to say is that u better have a wedding that i can be in, get drunk at, see u in a dress at, and do the dollar dance with u AND joey... and see sophia in a little cute flower girl dress. i will walk her down the aisle!!!!