Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am on vacation Bitches! sorry I had to say it! Doesn't it always seem that vacation comes at just the right time. My job is usually great. It is fun and challenging but not too stressful, but lately it has been tough. My co-worker has been going through some stuff and it does not make her the easiest person to work with. And to top it off my computer totally died yesterday. First the lap top at home then my work PC. I think I am cursed. I am in need of vacation. To get away from this desert heat and head to the mountains. To swim in the lake everyday and spend some good times with my parents, sisters, brothers and my darling nieces and nephew. Well the coffee table in the living room is covered with The Phi's and my clothes. There are piles of toiletries and we are anxiously awaiting our vacation in Bass Lake! The to-do list is getting shorter and we are counting the hours now until we are there! The Phi is going to have such a blast this year and if there is a God maybe PR Dad and I will get a little time to actually relax.


  1. can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I hope you have an absolute BLAST. I am so jealous. Have some fun for me, ok?

  3. that is so true. i love my job, but this past 2 weeks have been tough!! plus with my math final tomorrow, i will be so ready for a beer and the lake!

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Of course there is a God!! Try going to curch regularly, and you will see your over all life change for the good. Remember to always give and never expect things in return.
    Scholastics take can take away your faith, because you start to question to much. Be educated enough to not let that happen. When I say educated, I do not mean having fancy degrees. The true foundation of a person is learned at home in the way of faith and old-fasioned respect.

    In the end god is not going to judge you by how many degrees one has, but by the level of your dedicated faith.

    Suerte!! Have fun at the lake and be safe.

  5. Hope you have fun!!! (sorry about the computers)


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