On Friday the 13th we buried my cousin. It was harder than I could possible have imagined. I am left with images in my head on my family in mourning. We ended the day the only way we knew how, by eating, drinking Coronas and boxed wine, talking and being together. And now we learn how to live and be a family without our beloved Roman on this earth, but as an angel in heaven.
The Phi was not really effected by it all. She has recently become a quite a little talker in the last few weeks. PR Dad has always wanted a African Grey Parrot, because they can talk and repeat. Well for a little while anyway we have our very own little parrot. The Phi repeats everything we say these days and its pretty entertaining. She has also been amazing me with her memory. She remembers things that I have shown her maybe once, and weeks ago. My sister showed her the hand gestures for the "Hot Potato" song by The Wiggles and she learned that right away. Oh and speaking of The Wiggles. The Phi really liked the hot potato song and so we put together a CD of kids songs for the car and as we drove down the freeway with The Wiggles playing we watched our coolness drifting away.
And The Phi was officially initiated into the little kids crew. In my family The Phi's generation is made up of a lot of adorable little boys. While we were at my aunts I got up to look for The Phi. My cousin Melissa told me she was in a back room with the kids so I walked into the room where the kids were playing video games to find little Matthew dumping blue Gatorade on The Phi's head. I said "What are you doing?" He just stopped and I grabbed The Phi and her drippy hair. It was so funny. She just stood there and let her cousin pour sticky liquid on her head. And now The Phi is one of the gang!
"... so we put together a CD of kids songs for the car and as we drove down the freeway with The Wiggles playing we watched our coolness drifting away."
ReplyDeleteMade me laugh... I know, I know. I laugh now, but...