My super amazing boss just lost her mother. It has been a tough week at the office. Her loss made me think of my grandmother and the one thing I can remember she taught me. It was night and we were sitting on the top stairs of my front porch. Our porch was blue and had 4 or 5 big long steps that lead you to the porch and our front door. When I was young my grandmother and uncle lived with us. I was only about 4 at the time and I have bits and pieces of memories of them living with us. I don't know if this memory was when she was living with us or not. I know it was on a holiday, either Easter or Halloween. She sat to my left and we were looking at the sky. It was a full moon and she asked if I could see the bunny in the moon. I looked and looked and couldn't see it. She began to trace the moon with her finger trying to show me the ears and tail. I stared and stared at the giant yellow moon. And then it appeared. I saw the bunny in the moon. She told me a story about they bunny on the moon that of course I can't remember now. I hold on tightly to this memory and think about it everytime I see the bunny in the moon because it is the only moment in time that I can remember of just me and my grandma. A special moment that only she and I shared. My grandmother still lives in the small town that my Dad grew up in, but I only see her maybe once a year. Infact The Phi hasn't even met her yet.
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