Monday, May 11, 2015

Dirt Road Diary: Butterfly Trail aka 1N12

We finally found some time to pack up the Cruisers and head out for the day. We kept it pretty local and headed to the San Bernardino Mountains taking trail 1N12 to Seven Oaks Dam. The trail was about 6 miles. Here is a google earth view of the trail.

The trail starts here...

It moves up really quickly and then the fun starts. We traveled through some really gorgeous landscapes. The girls and I decided to name the trail "Butterfly Trail" because we saw so many different types of butterflies.

We liked this plant because it reminded us of Phi's crazy shaggy hair-do.

This is a super easy trail. Really narrow roads so we were lucky to only run into a couple of other people because passing is really tight.

We were headed to the reservoir to let the kids play in the water. Except the drought is real people. There was almost no water left.

Of course the mud was still slippery and combine that with my slick flip flop bottoms and you get my ass in the mud.


The girls are still talking about it.

I gotta say though, it was so awesome to just be dirty, and not care if you got even more dirty. 

See this pic of Louie with a walking stick exploring nature with her Poppa. Yea this is the best part of off-roading. Even Phi gets into the adventure... eventually. 

After we found a shady spot and busted out lunch.  This was a great lunch spot. Lots of shade and lots of sand and rocks for the kids. Oh and our phones were 4G'ing so that's always a plus. Most trips are way out of phone range.

You may wonder how well the Cruiser does with all the bumps. It usually does really well, except when your steering column plastic cover is already cracked and you hit a big bump and the whole thing falls off.

Of course the boys had to get their picture taken. They wanted it to be epic. I think the only thing they demonstrated is that they practice the skinny girl pose in the mirror at home.

Okay so this picture is kinda epic.

While heading back down the trail we made one more stop to take in the views.

It was so nice to finally be back outdoors. This was a perfect day trip. I am hoping we can get another desert trip in this month because once the weather gets hot the desert is out of the question. 

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