Last week I went to my first Sweet Success class. (side note: they weighed me and at 16 weeks I have gained 3 pounds so far) Sweet Success is a program set up to help teach and monitor gestational diabetes. I was nervous. I had a one on one class with a WONDERFUL nurse named Cathy. She was amazing and the first thing she told me was, "this is not your fault, there is nothing you did or didn't do to cause this". It was like a weight had been lifted. She was so reassuring. She broke down the diet for me. She made it simple and easy and gave me the tools I would need to do it. Even measuring cups. The diet was not as complicated or as strict as I thought it would be. I am eating healthier and more often with smaller portion sizes. She has me eating 6 times a day and testing my blood sugar level 4 times a day. She gave me a bag with a meter, lancets, and testing strips to keep me started. They also set me up with a company that will automatically deliver to my door step new supplies when I need them.
So this class was at the same place as the new doctor that wants $405 upfront. My entire experience there was wonderful. Every single person I came into contact with was kind, nice and personable. Now I have to switch doctors. Some way, some how. It was the experience I was hoping for since I got pregnant.
So it has only been a few days on the diet. We spent a wild Friday night putting together a weekly menu with 3 snacks a day and at the grocery store stocking up. The hardest part so far as been eating breakfast. I have never been a breakfast eater. It runs in the family. Now I have to eat at least one starch and one protein at breakfast. I am forcing the the scrambled egg and toast down but I am doing it. PR Dad has been great and so supportive and The Phi is obsessed with blood testing. She loves to watch and as she puts it "I like to see your blood Mommy". I guess she could have a future as a doctor. She hears my phone beep and starts on me "Mom it's time. Go test your blood". She even does this when we are at the library with many people around. So far all my test results have been well in the range Nurse Cathy gave me. So so far so good. The only thing I can see is getting bored with the food. I need to get creative with the meal plans.
GD is not uncommon, so anyone out there who is gestational diabetic or has been give me some meal ideas!
I'm no help with ideas, but want to say that it seems as if you're on the right track. You have a great coach with The Phi!