It was amazing to just be able to sit and talk to her face to face. Her husband made an amazing BBQ dinner. Seriously his rice was so good The Phi asked for seconds. I don't think she ever has asked for seconds before. The boys were super sweet with The Phi and even sat and watched "Chicken Little" with her.
As we finished eating my parents, my god-parents, my Tia and my Cousin pulled up and made the get together even better. We sat around the table, talking, laughing and Artful Chica immediately was one of the family.
I was happy she got to spend some time with my family because my family is a really big part of who I am.
We stayed late, well after The Phi had fallen asleep on the recliner. It was so awesome to hang out with Artful Chica and her familia. I wish they lived closer.
The next morning we ate a late breakfast at Cracker Barrel. I had never been to one and I tried Grits for the first time! Then we hit the road back to California.
Along the freeways there were these billboards everywhere....

The Phi was super stoked.
The Phi was super stoked.
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