Too bad we had to leave after being there for half an hour.
The Phi was in a mood. A whiny cranky mood. As we tried to figure out how many ride tickets to buy The Phi complained she just wanted to get on something. So we get the tickets and get her on this little motorized John Deer tractor. She gets on, rides around, bumps into a parked tractor and proceeds to LOSE HER SHIT.
Crying, and carrying on pushing my hand away from her and just being a brat. No amount of talking from PR Dad was helping so I told her. Get your act together or we are so out of here.
She couldn't pull it together so we walked a crying kid of there. Her wails intensified in the car but I am not one for empty threats.
She carried on for another 30 minutes and I thought PR Dad's head was going to explode. He does not do well in these high stress kind of situations. I on the other hand can ignore her. I told her she had a short amount of time to stop or we are just going home. We ran some errands and she finally calmed down. We had some lunch and she was back to normal, so we headed back to the pumpkin patch.
Even after the rough start of the day, we ended up having a good time.

The Phi got to shake the monkey's hand again this year.

And even had the pumpkin bouncer to herself.

As a Mom of a adult, who was a kid just like that, I'd lay my money on allergies. Had to accept, but that was our experience.