The morning of the field trip we got up early and as got The Phi ready I asked if she was excited. She said "Yes Mom I am so excited to ride the bus!" Except there was no bus involved in this trip.
After checking in at school we made the drive up to Riley Farms. Where we were transported to the colonial days were The Phi learned how to.....
spin yarn and weave with a loom

how to churn butter.....

to make candles.....

to eat awesome caramel apples.....

and to write with a quill.......

After our tour we stopped for a picnic lunch.

Then we marched to the pumpkin patch to unsuccessfully find a pumpkin.

So what do you do if a parent isn't available for the field trip? I can barely make it to school to pick Elias up on time every day. (I know, I know, bad mom . . .)