Here they are in their first portraits. They would not stop crying so every pose had at least one of them screaming. Well we are back in Santa Barbara today and by my last post things are changing. It a very short period of time, Joey was offered and accepted a position with Puma in Camarillo. So we quickly called a realtor and put the house on the market. We are hoping and praying for a quick sale. For the time being, (because those damn mortgage people still want their $$) Joey will be staying in Santa Barbara and coming home on his days off and The Phi and I will be traveling to SB on weekends. It is going to suck and its going to be rough and we will have to do this until the house sells because I have to keep working to pay the bills. So everyone send good vibes that the house sells F-A-S-T. Like super lightning fast. This weekend is going to be a good one. My family will come together in SB to celebrate my Moms birthday! She is going to be the big 5-1 tomorrow. Last year we had a huge blow out for her 50th. This year just a nice family party! But the way this family is multiplying that still means a big group. Today The Phi and I are heading out to try to find a sutable gift for the woman who has been your rock and always put you first. (What kind of gift is that?!?) So wish us luck with that. We should have been gone already but while washing dishes The Phi decided it would be a good idea to crawl through the 2 sided fire-place. ( I swear I really take good care of this kid!) So after I threw her in the washing machine, I mean her clothes in the washing machine, she decided it was nap time. Man doesnt the Phi understand schedules!! I guess she is mad cause I ditched her to have dinner with Tommyma last night. Calm down peeps, I left her with her Nana. I met up with Tom at Joey's new store then we headed out to have some pretty good Thai food and deep deep conversation. It was nice, there was a time when Tom and I had dinner together almost every night. Not always deep conversation, but always good times. So it was nice to have dinner just us again. Man I make Tom and I sound like an old married couple. He truely is one of my BFF's and the bottom line is I want him to be happy, no matter what!
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