I can finally Blog about it! A little over a week ago my sister told me she was pregnant!! We couldn't say anything because she still had to tell my parents. Since we had a family wedding this weekend, she decided to tell them then so we could all be there. I bought a cake and sparkling cider to toast (which we never did!). My sister had told Chone the night before and as soon and Chone come into the house she told my Mom. Before my sister could even get into the house. We are all so excited about a new baby in the family. Of course this means that Sophia's day in the sun in over! There is going to be a new Baby in town. She had a doctors appoitnment yesterday and they have given her an official due date of Aug. 30th ( 5 days after Chone's birthday) Sucks that my sister will have to be pregnant all summer long! But YEA! Sophia gets a new cousin and Joey and I get a new niece or nephew! (** She was pouring us chanpagne at the wedding. she didnt have any!! my sister wouldn't even eat chocolate cake because of the caffiene! She is taking no risks**)
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