Here is a picture of our little one on her very first Halloween. I know she looks very very sad, but believe me she wasn't. Now the Halloween's that I remember involve streets full of kids and pumpkins on people porches. Infact when we were younger my Dad kind of got into Halloween. One year he draped black trash bags over our front porch so kids had to walk through it to get to the front door. Well this year out here in Banning it looked like every night. I only saw one house with pumpkins on the porch. And I didnt see one kid on the streets in costume. Well because Joey is a paranoid dad and didnt want Sophia out in the cold we took her out to the Ontario Mills Mall for trick-or-treating. It actually was a good idea. There were a lot of kids in costume. We couldn't even count the number of Batmans we saw. Tons and tons of Batmans. We even saw a family with both kids dressed up as Batman. There were lots of Disney princesses. But one of the best costumes I saw was this little boy about 1 year old in the cutest monkey outfit. We even had to ask his Mom where she got it because if I can find it Sophia is going to be a monkey next year. He even had a plush banana. Man it was cute. But back to my kid. Sophia was a hit (as usual). There even one girl who squealed and asked to take a picture. Joey and I figuered that we have a couple of more years to pick Sophia's costume before she is begging up for a Cinderella costume from the Disney Store. Ugh. Although I wonder if she will be the typical little girl and want to be a princess or a fairy. Maybe she will be more like her Tia Ouie and want to be Cyndi Lauper.
Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com